
"What's the Biggest Obstacle To Making The Sandman Movie?"

But in all seriousness, I agree with everything you said. I'm working at a restaurant (I'm a supervisor, though, not a dishwasher, let's be fair) whilst I put myself through school, and these thoughts and the accompanying guilt torment me every second I'm there. It's an industry based on consumption and waste, but I'm

You work at a restaurant where you wash dishes regularly for people that pay to have you prepare food for them. This is really a huge waste of water, how hard is to eat at home.

Let's not even talk about all the ice that the fish comes packed in or the greens that are grown in the desert, picked, processed in large

Well, that's not going to happen, so can we be happy this is?

Don't wait for the translation! Answer me now!

If there's one thing I think I know about Kevin Feige, it's that he thinks he's really good at pretending to say something when he's really saying nothing at all.

Why, did DC get rid of Geoff Johns all of a sudden or something?

that and him saying "beep beep beep beep"

Am I the only one here who already knew that "Baba Yet" was a Swahili translation of the Lord's Prayer?...

Gravity and Avatar are really up there among more recent films, but here are some of my choices for older films.

And if I get a second vote...Lawrence of Arabia. If you're seeing something on the big screen just for the big screen, there are few prettier movies out there.

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Many good examples of modern filmmaking already... so I'm going to put forward Lawrence of Arabia. One of the theatres in my city shows classic films every now and then, and I jumped at the chance to see this one on the big screen. It was an experience I was very glad to have. The immersion into the desert vistas,

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Many good examples of modern filmmaking already... so I'm going to put forward Lawrence of Arabia. One of the theatres in my city shows classic films every now and then, and I jumped at the chance to see this one on the big screen. It was an experience I was very glad to have. The immersion into the desert vistas,

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I nominate The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Sergio Leone's direction is masterful, and all his effects are practical, so there's no problems with it looking bad in HD or seeing it on a big screen. His use of framing is great, and I think that the big screen only serves to underline this.

Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's a big movie but with so many small details that you really can't see unless you've got an 80" TV.

Dark City. Like Inception, the buildings of the city itself are characters in the story.

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All three Lord of the Rings films are just amazing in the theater. The Mines of Moria, The Siege of Isengard, the Battle of Helm's Deep, the Battles of the Pelennor Fields and Morannon. Just spectacular.

it says they have good taste in TV shows...

Completely, completely, completely agree. Many screenwriters and filmmakers mistake the word "grounded" for angst & violence. Just because that worked for Christopher Nolan's Batman doesn't mean that it'll work for Superman or Wonder Woman. I enjoyed "Man of Steel," but my biggest complaint was that the characters

Tonight, I want justice... and a Froyo.