
No, it's not. This article is pure libel and slander, and you should be ashamed that you allowed a piece like this to be published on Kotaku.

It might be a good addition to the collective thinking insofar as an examination of personal bias affecting judgement; but it is by no means an example of objective, responsible journalism fostering intelligent debate or discussion. I realize this is an opinion piece, but frankly, Hernandez' piece is a thinly-veiled

Please do something about this article. The way she wrote it makes it seem like he's in the wrong for trying to defend himself. Sounds like she wants him to make the focus more on the subject of rape instead of being on the defensive. I mean, look at all comments made about the article and see which comments are being

This is honestly really creepy and disappointing to read. I interpret this article's/author's view being that regardless of the truth: this man is guilty, should never attempt to defend himself, should falsely confess to a crime he believes to not have committed (and that perhaps didn't even happen), and that no

It can be a decent conversation but Patricia does nothing to start one except denigrating a person's apology and its defense, calling parts of it gross, useless and insufficient which is, until the person in question is proven guilty, a despicable thing to do, it's just disgusting and morally questionable if not wrong.

Can we just go with "never?" It is NEVER ok to leave children or animals locked in a hot car. COME ON, people. This is Texas. Heat indexes are expected to reach 105 today, you could bake cookies on the windshield of your car. And it's just gonna stay this way until October. We ALL know this. We go through this EVERY

Hernandez 6/17/13 (11:35:01 P.M.): I think I messed up bad, coach. What do I say when the media starts asking the tough questions?

thing is I'm very intimidated of the online gameplay and would likely stay far far away.

having never played a halo game, I find this tempting.

My two questions are:

1. Will the glitches (super bounces, sword canceling and rocket canceling) be in the game.
2. There are rumors of a Sunset Overdrive bundle to compete with the PS4 Destiny Bundle but what about a Master Chief Collection Xbox One Bundle?

Have they considered working from home with Google?

I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.


I love scrivener but my biggest issue is understanding the compilation process, any tips?

And then there was this whole thing, which was supremely badass. How many execs would do that for their employees now?

I would pay $100 for another Mortal Kombat game with these people rotoscoped in as they look today. They don't even need to fight, just sit around in their costumes and talk about the good old days.

Hmm. Now show us on the doll covered in small polystyrene balls what the mean performance-capture man did to you.

" he is showing incredible flexibility in his bones Joe"

This seemed cool until I saw twin bed and the Disney sheets.