
Or maybe it will pretty.

Fair enough - removing/splintering SHIELD would let the Avengers fly solo (so to speak), and it's not like Thor2/GotG needs SHIELD. Splinter groups of SHIELD - like cells of resistance fighters (maybe one can be led by Paxton) - fighting against a HAMMER or SWORD type organization could be interesting.

if the bus goes rogue in Season 2

Cursing, he dropped the scalpel. "Synthetics!"

And now... hailing from parts unknown... The Winter Soldier!

I developed a real fondness for the post-Return of the Jedi books written by Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole, and Aaron Allston.

I also liked Greg Keyes' The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone series. Had a fun protagonist and some nice thought put into the world structure. Plus the main character is a game warden/forester guy. That's kinda different than a mercenary or a mage or noble knight or thief with a hear of gold or assassin or whatever.

I was scanning all the replies just to mention this (4 book) series. I like a lot of Stackpole's stuff, it's good, has some neat twists here and there (seems to put a lot of though in each universe he creates on how the magic 'works', like what the real cost is and what the societal rules/views on magic use might be).

I think it was probably the clubhouse survival crew did a mass suicide thing. Final (possibly poison?) meal (see the champagne flutes and the commemorative spoon?) then whomever was left of the bunch of club members hung themselves.

That game was great; shamelessly borrowed the combat flow from Arkham Asylum (but with it's own spin), but it had a great opening act and some pretty fun set pieces throughout. It really made me want to find a slick mod so I could play an early Call of Duty game (#2 or #3) as Captain America.

It scratches that "80s scifi itch" I didn't know I had.

Did Almost Human pull itself up? I watched the first few three episodes (then heard they were airing out of sequence), so just didn't bother keeping up after that.

NASA's Official Talking General Leisure And Diversion Operational Server.

Well, to be fair scientists can look very very different from each other.

Now playing

That first Superman Returns Trailer was pretty awesome. So much credit to John Williams' score though, and Brando.

Wait, GRRM subscribes to a writing tips newsletter from the scriptwriters of The Walking Dead?

It's almost plausible, since Kasdan originally introduced the character to film in The Empire Strikes Back

Anyone else hoping that Chappie will involve a Louis Gossett Jr. cameo?

and who is so mysterious that women who see him have to lose their eyes.