
Maybe Mark Valley would be a good "John Walker", if they go with one of those 'crisis of conscience' type themes down the line and want to toy with US Agent.

Where, oh where, is the Play By Email option?!?! I've been playing CivIV by email/dropbox for many years, I really would like to get cracking with CivV...

Remember the pamphlet/poster things that came with the vehicles? You'd unfold them and it'd be all the current toys in a big spread to look at and drool over... it was like an instant birthday/holiday wish list.

For the costume, does the armour look work?

Here's an option - Henry Ian Cusick.

Just when you finally got rid of it, too!

It's everything that's ever mattered to me... everything that's ever been important...

I think Flash is the best movie they could rush ahead with.

Two for the price of one.

Well, maybe not enough buildup.

There was only slight foxing before. SLIGHT FOXING!

There should be some kind of follow-up, whether a lifehacker "hive five" style, or a bracketed vote-off showdown (which there's definitely enough fodder for here)...

Absolutely; "No Mans Land" got me back into comics after a many years absence. I picked up a months old issue (at a drugstore of all places!) early in the series (after the quake, when Two-Face was holding court) and was all "what the hell?". Went to my local comic shop and started picking up the trades as they came

That picture of Dinklage is so BOSS. (do people still say that?)

Agree with all those lambasting the use of Captain Marvel in the header image - he's great.

That is a great point - when so many characters who could have their own film get reduced to cameos, it kind makes the interconnectedness seem forced. Subtle stuff, like Stark gear showing up in Spider-Man or FF, perhaps mentioning mutants in Avengers, that's what I'd like more of.

Yeah, it sounds from other commenters that I'd probably just need to buy slightly longer bolts, so it's something to look into, if I can get this shipped beyond the wall.

There's one fan.

Shame that it won't work for an already wall mounted TV; the sad wire-and-ziptie shelf I'm using now for an AppleTV doesn't compare to something nice looking like this. Most shelves for wall mounted tvs seem designed for gigantic old VCRs.

I was just going to say the same thing. Looking at IMDB, I guess he was one of those guys that didn't really take off until he was pushing forty, and even then seems like there was a gap after "Beauty & the Beast" where he was out of sight doing lots of voice work.