what the fuck are you talking about?? like actually, seriously, where the fuck do you get your information? get the fuck outta here you fucking troll.
what the fuck are you talking about?? like actually, seriously, where the fuck do you get your information? get the fuck outta here you fucking troll.
i read this entire article and still have no fucking idea what the fuck it was about. what happened and why should i care?
okay so you’re a classless fucking whore with no self worth. great. good for you. dumb fucking articles like this written by cunts like you are why nobody gives a shit when you people scream rape. you’re literally asking to be raped by 25 men.
fuck you, asshole. i hope you get AIDS and die fucking TODAY.
i am a rat fink scum. suck my dick, faggot bitch.
all i see is a bunch of fuckin dykes tryin to out-dyke each other and pretending to be actual athletes. fuck off, broads. nobody gives a shit.
Henry is a fucking pussy who’s undoubtedly been raised exclusively by women, and has likely never been in a room with actual men before, because they’d stomp that faggoty vibe the fuck outta him. Prove me wrong.
damn. sucks for him.
your wife is a lying, attention-seeking, cunt trash bag of a human being. i hope she fucking gets AIDS and dies ASAP.
its bad enough youre dressed like fucking NeYo at a golf outing, show the man (and yourself) some fucking respect with your body language. untilt your head and pay the fuck attention, faggot.
who the fuck are these two cunts and why the fuck should i care?
fuck you. this is EXACTLY what i would do. if my tv is broken, i’m getting a new one, not gonna spend 3x as much trying to fix the old one.
not the fucking point, dickhead.
what an idiotic post
fuck offffffff you fucking herb
who let the fucking shemale write about fucking and sexy? you literally could not be any less reliable when it comes to those topics.
i’d fuck every single hole in her body
fucking google it yourself, you lazy dickhead. for fucks sake.
who fucking cares? fuck
calm down. you must be bleeding right now.