
calm down. you must be bleeding right now.

who fucking cares? this is so dumb.

this all looks fucking gross as fuck

who fucking cares? this isn’t japan

motherfucking WHO? who gives a fuck that some jap cartoonist fucking died? seriously, who gives a single shit?

okay you faggot

what the fuck are you talking about???

MAKING games is not the same thing as UPDATING old games. do you understand?

well somebody just wasted a fuckload of time. 

you are hype? what does that even mean?

good for you?

aaaand now Mike Redmond just got fired.

lol “hot garbage”? did you actually play it yourself and see it in motion?

alluva sudden Metroidvania doesn't sound like such a bad name after all


seems like it.

soccer is horrible.

fuck off with your cheats

why do you PC assholes think the rest of the world gives a shit about stuff like that?

and an AWFUL person to boot.