Detective Plunkett

I choose to only play with my feet, with my eyelids taped shut.

That's a really cool idea! If only. Would be tough to prevent trolling unless people were, like, responding to a series of prompts beforehand, though. Still, I'd love to see someone try and explore this game concept.

If you looked at the video, it's the same guy. And it's a sequel, which means more depth and strategy.

Okay the minute he said that it "Will not be a free to play or have microtransactions " I immediately went to the page and threw some money at him.

Ubisoft: "Ugh, looks terrible. No one wants that."

Ack, sorry to blow up your spot! I'll add that link to the body of the text for now in case people can't find it.

Hey, Chris(@theRealZargy) here. I'm one of the system programmers for The Midnight Station here.

Sounds like the father is the family's biggest problem with his temper problem.

Props to Mike Mitchell.

Fixed that. Or made it worse. Your pick.

Jade Empire was the best Avatar game ever made.

I'm afraid I haven't worked on any completed projects. I did some stuff as a student for friends who were working on games, but unfortunately, none of the products were ever finished. I enjoy doing art for FB or mobile games, not because I love most of those games, but that's what my style tends to be more suited for

As much as I don't want to respond to this attention seeking crap, it needs to be known that you go to a "pubic" high school.

The documentation is extremely helpful. I was overwhelmed by how different it was from UE3 at first but once you read up (and try) the basics, it's so much better.

My temper and tendency to use twitter to vent has been a consistent problem since I entered the games industry, and I just can't do it. I don't have the willpower necessary to be the "face" of a company. If I do continue to work in games it'll be as an anonymous 1 of 1000 at some shitty corporation, not the most

First smart move I've seen him make.

sorry but you are not an indie dev, you are just an hobbist if their model pisses you off

So you want them to go back to charging one million for source code, as a programmer I love the fact that I get the source for 19 bucks a month.

Unreal Engine 4 is extremely powerful and surprisingly easy to use, so much so that switching from Unreal Engine 3 to 4 was a huge pain for me since 4 is too simple and made me keep over-thinking everything. So, as to learn the basics, I spent 45 minutes and ended up making this.