dont they have different tiers? Like 2nd story buildings, etc? Just start out on an altitude two tiers up and make the only way to go lower being digging through the earth.
The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.
Final Fantasy 13 Monopoly: The board is a straight path, there's no quick way to make money, and it takes 12 hours of preparation before you can start playing.
man, that game has not aged well. also, good job on the title GIF, if you aren't paying attention, it looks like an unbroken loop.
While my eyes are starting to get tiresome from seeing all these "oh origin" posts all the time; I find those posts defending it much worse: What the hell happened? Origin hasn't changed since 2011: It's the same thing as back when BF3 was released and people complained; Justly.
Currently my phones wallpaper
From the gist of the majority of responses to your comment, you're clearly swimming against the current. You won't score a sensible discussion when there is a mob mentality in effect.
Pretty solid move by Codemasters to be fair, give credit where it's due.
So not only did they rip Crush the Castle, but they also ripped the characters as well.
Why spotlight terrible artwork?
How to draw generic characters 101.
The difference is that Chess is a fantastic game. Monopoly, as far as game design goes, is a pretty bad game, and it really does a disservice to the boardgaming community when people think boardgames, they tend to think Monopoly...
Nintendo, you're doing multiplatform wrong.
PC Elite and Casual Console jabs? Cya in another comment section folks!
Gone, but never forgotten.
"Holy shit I need this on my wall NOW"
Well, that is one of the reasons why Indie games are rolling in so fast on PC/Steam. 99% of the time if their is an indie coming to consoles, it will be on PC too, but there are thousands of indie games only for PC. (Whether they are good or not is subjective of course, but games like Swapper, Gunpoint, and The…
I get that a lot of people are excited about the potential of this. But guys... this is EA.