Detective Plunkett

Stiff as a board the whole time. That cannibal has some strong abdominal muscles.

Wait, schools are a place for fostering a love of learning?

Pay to win.

But those are the games I'll actually play. :(

I'm traveling abroad on my own this summer. I've decided to take a bikini. It's the first two piece I've had in 10 years. I'm so over covering my body because it doesn't look "right". So, fuck it. That's all.

A wasted party!

Yea, it would have been so much cooler if they used the money to bring back the actual show! Stream that into our classrooms! I read somewhere that it would have cost $300,000 to renew the tv program back in 2006 before it was cancelled. This Kickstarter isn't about bringing the show back, I genuinely believe it's

This is why I'm not "hating", I'm enlightening. People read the Kickstarter headline

remember, the kickstarter clearly stated 1,500/7,500 classrooms, not schools. There's nothing wrong with getting kids to read by any means necessary, but let's not kid ourselves, this is now a for-profit company posing as charity, with the bottom-line profits going to private investors.

Honestly, how many people have actually downloaded the Reading Rainbow app on iPad and actually tried the product they are so eager to fund. Reading Rainbow is no longer PBS, and this app is barely recognizable compared to the original show. It's a glorified E-reader! There are many great educational apps available on

I was waiting for someone to notice that!

Perhaps we're using terminologies differently. A "massive shift" in any model over the short term usually requires a radical event. However, massive shifts can occur over time (i.e. the mid and long term). For example, industrialization radically changed various aspects of life but did not occur in the

*spoilers* There is also a giant Mad Men era wife swap scene.

Oh, *that's* what you mean by "swinging"

The whole thing is frustrating to me.

I would be so into this if it weren't so ridiculously deceptive. They went for an emotional grab and no one read the fine print— that Reading Rainbow is now a for-profit business, not public access. That you'll only get access to this if you have an internet connection, smartphone (or maybe a game console it seems)

Reading books?

Even Reading Rainbow is skipping development on Wii U. *tears*

Butterfly in the sky!! I can go twice as high!! Take a look, it's in a book, it's READING RAINBOW!!!!!