Detective Plunkett

Hi microsoft rep.

So...the Kinect is still a piece of surveillance hardware.

Got it. Definitely never having an xbone in my house. This isn't a feature for the consumer, this is a feature for all of those marketing companies. No thanks.

Halo and Titanfall aren't worth this.

You have got to be kidding. At this point, you couldn't pay me enough to buy one of these damn things. I totally get that online companies monitor my purchasing behavior for the sake of advertising. Amazon, Google, Netflix... they all do it.

You know, it's satisfying when you know your right from the start about Xbox One's intentions.

Of course all but one of these are iOS-only. Why not just name this "Best New iOS games"? I'd like to see some Android "best new games of the month/week/whatever" articles, rather just an updated "Bests" piece talking about Angry Birds and other games most of us know about.

Personally I won't ever call it that. I think it sounds tacky and stupid. It's "Xbox One" out loud and written. Or "X1" written, maybe.

Actually its not. That's barbaric and doesn't solve anything.

"Kee keree kee keree kee keree"

Right now, there is a skeleton inside you, and it wants to be free. Don't ever forget it.

That's actually kind of an interesting idea., since smell is so important to taste. We getting a Kotaku review on this product?

I wrote this post... from the future.

Are you sure 2015 is next year? Are you really, really sure, Kirk?

Yeah the seasoning sounds downright delicious might have to try marinating some chicken like that and just grilling it instead of deep frying it.

Good work detective. Another mystery solved!

This shit sounds amazing... I want some...

Corporations? Responsible? That's a good one, hahahah.

Technically not if it says in their ToS that you're not allowed to abuse loopholes.

Dragon Academy came out for iOS, Android, AND Facebook. HOW'S THAT.