You can't talk about drawing on the internets, without showing your drawerings.
You can't talk about drawing on the internets, without showing your drawerings.
Why you gotta make it worse!? D:
I had no idea. ._. I feel like crying, now...
Oh noes. Why must it be so? D:
Huh, what? What did I miss?
This game has looked so awesome. Want so baaaad. D:
Honestly, nothing I've seen of the game has really interested me. It seems like something I'd play for a week or so, and then never touch again.
Omigods. I can't tell you how excited I am for this...
Thanks for sharing my article, András!
Just posted my latest Indie Delve piece! :D
Aww! You're gonna have sprinkles!
Planning on it. Just waiting on the dev to finish up the interview. Probably post it on Monday.
Gods dammit, Luke! I've been working on an article about this game since Wednesday! My piece is more in depth, and includes an interview with the dev as well. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I want this, but $105!?! D: Only if it comes with a few boxes of those awesome TMNT popsicles.
E-mail sent, in case it gets pushed into spam. :P
Thick-lined and cartoony, you say? A friend and I just started hashing out a mobile game idea we stumbled on the other day... D'you have your art online anywhere for me to stare at?
I've seen you around the comments for what seems like years (though admittedly I'm horrible with time), and I never knew you studied game design.
Tell me how to shove all of this into my head! It don't work right! D:
Yeah, their documentation is great. As well as their official video tutorials. I still feel like a dolt using the tools, though. And I've been totally unable to wrap my head around the Blueprint system (but I've always had issues trying to learn programming).