Detective Plunkett

I hope that wasn't some attempt at twisting what I was saying, because I've in no way said that. I've even stated the complete opposite, in other comments in this thread. :P

Oh gods. Uplay. I honestly don't understand how a multi million dollar company can release a product like that, and not immediately attempt to bury it in shame.

Very true. I fuckin' hate that shit. I won't attempt to defend Valve for that. I'm in no way saying "STEAM IS THE BEST AMAZING PERFECT FOREVER AHHH POTATOES!", just that between the two, Steam has been better for me.

I haven't personally experienced any "speedy" or "light" from Origin. Maybe EA hates me personally, and has always given me some altered version of their program? I should probably put another layer of foil on my hat. Just to be safe.


But seriously, I absolutely dislike the product placement here, but I don't find it shocking whatsoever. To say this is selling out, is to discount Nintendo's abuse of their brands that they've been doing for decades. They sold out right away. :P

Yes, that is stupid and shouldn't be the case. However, Valve did not make either of those games. They should not have allowed their service to facilitate that, but in the end that was on the game developer's shoulders for making that a requirement.

Umm, how? Because I called a troll out on a logical fallacy? Also, I've in no way attempt to say "STEAM NUMBA 1!!! FUCK ORIGIN!!!!!1!111one!" I've only stated my personal taste about both products. I've in no way said that other people using it are "wrong" or 'bad' in any way. I've also in no way attempted to sway

Well that sucks. :/ I've not had any experiences like that.

Just out of curiosity, do you know what a straw man is?

Sure do, because it has features that make me want to use it. I don't use it because games force me to use it. See my later comments in this thread.

Huh? No, it's right here on my shelf.

Uhh, spoken like someone who has been negatively affected by DRM after making a legal purchase.

Example? All my dealings with them (actually got a refund for something a number of months back. Was easy.) have been great. Hell, I've even e-mailed them improvement suggestions and gotten personally written responses in I think 3-4 days?

Oh, I am. S'why I can't stand how EA treats us. Honestly, if they changed face, and started showing that they cared about the quality of their products and their customers, I wouldn't mind Origin. Though, a huge step any game company could do, would be not forcing DRM onto their customers.

It's not simply the DRM that keeps me away from Origin, but also that it's EA, and EA continues to commit horrible business practices.

The 'free' games, cost them nothing. As does the return policy (yes, it costs them nothing. Businesses do not spend money, if they cannot make more back).

The shit they do with DLC, their drawn-out fuck up with Sim City (outright lying to your customers, is very anti-consumer).

You mean making money..? I mean... That is why Nintendo makes games. :P

That's fine. Steam has seriously upped their game, and Valve has continuously shown over the years that they care about their customers. EA on the other hand has made it clear that they don't give a shit about their customers.

I never said it was "satan incarnate". It's another form of DRM (which only hurts consumers, not pirates), and from my three times trying it, it is bloated and useless.

Do I have to install Origin to get it? Yes? Never mind then.