Detective Plunkett

Wait... I have people..?

Well fuck them (and you for skimming)! We deserve better than Reynolds (and you for skimming)!

Sorry, I think you forgot to read all of my comment.

Remember that leaked Deadpool movie test footage? It's been released in a hi-res version, reportedly straight from Blur Studios itself.

How much do you get paid to post these stupid comments that so many have posted about tons of other stuff that's been posted on Kotaku?

You... you just got that...?

A dozen isn't enough for a conclusive result. You'll need a few hundred sandwiches to compare.

Don't feed him, Jason! He used "derp" in his first sentence, and the word "bro"! We don't need to keep the trolls fed!

It doesn't take "a fuckton more money" to decide where you put cameras and how you build sets in the first place. It's really not a big deal, it just takes skill, which is there.

Fantastic comment. Have an internet point, my friend.

Sunny is great all the way through, but absolutely gets better at Season 2. Pacific Rim, he doesn't play a 'Charlie' character, and he's still amazing. Go watch it. I'm sure it's too late for it to happen, or that we'd have any ability to make it happen, but he would be a million times better than Reynolds. I know

But they're paid with maple syrup, right?

(Note: All these numbers are out of my ass based upon my personal experiences, with zero inside information on the dev team or their project)


Here's the thing though. Even making a "single playable sliver of the game..." costs a shit ton of money.

No need to presume. Game development is expensive as fuck.

Friend sent this to me a few days ago. He may be doing programming for them. Their budget breakdown scares me, though...

You've obviously never seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies, Hobbit movies, or anything with Tom Cruise.

This paint job is actually super simple (which lends to how great it looks). You could totally do this! :D

Clearly you're unaware of the crazy things actors can do to their bodies for a role.