Conspiracy theorists will always find a conspiracy. I mean, come on! Why do think hot dog buns come in 10 to a bag, when hot dogs come 8 to a pack!? CONSPIRACY!
Conspiracy theorists will always find a conspiracy. I mean, come on! Why do think hot dog buns come in 10 to a bag, when hot dogs come 8 to a pack!? CONSPIRACY!
The subtext in this is so insulting. Getting hit with a green shell is the worst. A red shell is understandable, and a blue means you were at least in first. Luigi didn't need anything more than a green shell to take out these people.
DOTA 2 and Awesomenauts are the only ones that I've felt were still fun after a few months.
Gearbox announced the game through this month's issue of Game Informer, and they're promising more information in the GI cover story. Here's the press release from publisher 2K:
Just not what I'm used to, with you. I thought you were having a stroke, or something. :P
What happened to your English? ._.
So if you thought it was stupid that peripheral content like skins and maps was split up between retailers, just wait until GameStop can offer actual parts of a game you can't get anywhere else. Then wait for Walmart and Best Buy and Amazon to catch on. It'll be great.
._. This is perfect for a game concept I've been working on...
Doesn't matter! That avatar is sacred!
Some friends of mine did this a little bit ago:
Then you know not of the greatness of the commenter known as Jesus Christ.
Red Bag — "My Mouth Hurts and Cheese" — Official name: "Spicy Street Taco"
When did I ever say anything about TV? Please find me a quote of me saying anything about TV.
This is why I love you. <3
I cannot express how much I love this. This is what we need VR tech for.
The company that owns RR is a for-profit company. They didn't need a million dollars to make a website and a good app. That's way more than is actually necessary. Their 'free to classrooms' (not entire schools) thing is really off, too, as it's language is a bit deceptive, and it's not really a good deal.
There is, by omission. They haven't at any point explicitly said that they aren't making new episodes of the show. They clearly know people are talking about getting new episodes, though, because they either did not fully read everything they've put out, or did not understand it.
As they did with me. Won't stop me from speaking openly about it, though.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.