Red Bag — "My Mouth Hurts and Cheese" — Official name: "Spicy Street Taco"
Red Bag — "My Mouth Hurts and Cheese" — Official name: "Spicy Street Taco"
When did I ever say anything about TV? Please find me a quote of me saying anything about TV.
This is why I love you. <3
I cannot express how much I love this. This is what we need VR tech for.
The company that owns RR is a for-profit company. They didn't need a million dollars to make a website and a good app. That's way more than is actually necessary. Their 'free to classrooms' (not entire schools) thing is really off, too, as it's language is a bit deceptive, and it's not really a good deal.
There is, by omission. They haven't at any point explicitly said that they aren't making new episodes of the show. They clearly know people are talking about getting new episodes, though, because they either did not fully read everything they've put out, or did not understand it.
As they did with me. Won't stop me from speaking openly about it, though.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
No. They knew exactly what they were doing. The played on emotional nostalgia hardcore. There is willful deception with this, which is sad as fuck. I want more episodes. :/
P.S. We should do a beard-centric photoshoot, together. We would blow minds.
Read the Kickstarter page. Nowhere do they ever say they're making new episodes. They're funding a crappy e-reader app that's already been out for awhile. :/
Oh! That changes everything!
You're not allowed to use that avatar...
Kinda makes the whole campaign seem even more deceptive. Let people think we're making more episodes, don't make it clear that we're not, and we'll also throw in a failed 'console'!
SR2 is a bit of a different beast, though. 2 is where they really started to move towards the craziness. 3 & 4 are like 'stoner' films. Either play 'em stoned, alone, or have friends around to laugh with. Else the comedy is just 'heh'.
Then you lack imagination, my friend!
I'd say play 3 first, to be honest. Or you'll lose a lot of the references in 4.
Did you play them co-op? They're made to be enjoyed with a friend. They really sag solo.
I've been really sick and really out of it. Have we gotten the wonderful Phil Owen back?
Okay. After playing it for a few minutes... 1.) Fuck this game is hard. 2.) Fuck I can't manage to play it well with the keyboard controls.