it would have to be white too
it would have to be white too
Firehouse is meh. that’s it. meh.
great; now you’re being a joke protractor
oh, don’t be obtuse
this would be true were it not for the President’s spokesperson explicitly calling for ESPN to fire her. The First Amendment was written to allow private citizens to criticize the government without fear of official reprisal. as with just about everything else they do, the administration crossed the line and prevented…
that is absolutely not what journalism is supposed to be about
wait, what does Pete Rose have to do with this?
just out of curiosity, I checked AT&T’s stock price history and, while it did lose about 40% of its value during the crash (37 to 22), that merely returned the price to where it had been for 2002-2005. Its price suffered a much greater fall in 2000-2002, which is when Marty really should have panicked and sold. If…
to some of us... it is
why is this clown so angry?
/fades back into topiary
so... walk me through your argument here, because I’m not sure I understand it.
sometimes you do, man. sometimes you do.
was he not aware he worked for the Post?
he make joke. is funny. please to laugh now.
I think we’re all missing the important point here: Drick?
former rugby player here. this is unconscionable; a three-year ban is not long enough. deliberate attacks like this should be grounds for a lifetime ban.
thanks, man. got my Master’s at Duke; am generally deeply ashamed of how Duke fans behave. can totally understand the hate. also; greatly admire Dean Smith. I know this is not how this shit’s supposed to work, but I don’t care.
hey cool: where in Chapel Hill do you live? loved visiting.
because then Kinja would be overwhelmed and Deadspin would crash? I don’t want that, sir. do you? DO YOU?