
I envy him. I wish I had that kind of time to pursue my hobbies.

I owned a 2000 Grand Am, and mine never did that. The friction was enough to stop them pretty quick. Maybe they're worn out, in conjunction with the fan blowing.

Me and a couple buddies did this to an old Hyundai Scoupe when we were younger. Bought for $160 split 3 ways. It was mostly to play around with and learn about the engine and transmission, but once we got it running, we did all sorts of random crap to it. Try taking out the passenger seat and sitting in the back

Maybe he'll Leland on his feet, but I hope not.

Even worse ! If he gets bored with something, is he just going to let it stagnate?

Ultimately, I see this as a loss for the gamer, but a win for the general public. The Oculus devs now have access to greater access to resources and contacts, and can probably get a production version out much faster/cheaper, but I think that production version is going to be tainted. Like having to connect it to a

Sooooo does this mean I have to create a Facebook account to use it?

Except that developers have no incentive to optimize for PC games, if they even can, considering all the variation of graphic card tech out there. They'll code for the hardware they have which will always be the best because the GFX card companies make sure of it, and everything else? Well, just turn the settings

I have a friend that doesn't own a PC. He does everything with his iPhone. I don't understand it, but good for him I suppose.

It would cost me more to upgrade my PC now, than it would to get a PS4 or Xbone, and it's only 3 years old.

Yet some people would argue that GTA5 is the best looking game on the previous gen, despite 7 year old hardware. Keeping old tech around forces developers to adapt and come up with clever ways to polish whats there. If something looks bad on PC, you either have to throw more money at it or wait for the community to

I bought a 29" Ultra Widescreen LG monitor for nearly$700. My roommate bought a 55" LG big screen for the same price.

It's car movie made by marketing people, not car people. That being said, it's not that bad. I wouldn't pay money to see it again though.

Poklonskaya said in a March 19 interview that she doesn't have any social networking accounts, such as Twitter.

I prefer the shape and color tones of the 3DS, but the size of the XL. It's shame, and it's probably why I haven't sold my Red 3DS. It's sitting there on a shelf, chilling in it's charging cradle.

I, on the other hand, played for 8ish hours after release and haven't touched it since. Not because I don't like (which I do), but something has died inside me, and I can't enjoy games anymore. I haven't turned on my PS3/PS4 or fired up Steam in over a month, despite having a descent backlog of games. :(

Dip yo' car son!

I'm guessing Gawker is in Pepsi's pocket?

I'm not familiar with any of these devices. Where do the "5000 channels" come from? Is it just fancier Youtube? I assume the Apple TV tethers you to iTunes, and the Chromecast to... whatever they use. I have an android phone, but the idea of having everything connected bothers me.

That video claims Sony had been working on it since 2010. The Rift didn't pop up until E3 2012 (someone correct me if I'm wrong), so I guess it's up for debate as to who did it first.