
The HDMI is the one that worries me. That thing is thick and heavy compared to a little microUSB cable. I can't imagine head movement will be light and fluid with an HDMI cable tethering you down. that does not fempute...

Why don't you guys ever summarize the videos that you post? I'm interested but usually I can't watch the videos. A nice bullet list would be appreciated.

I used to use retroUSB for a long time. I'd buy authentic used pads off ebay and solder them to use USB. I've tried using replica pads, but they also feel off. Slightly cheaper or flimsier, something of that nature.

I'm not loving that 2.5D style. Games like that make me feel like they're not connected to their backgrounds, like you're running a treadmill with moving walls. Bionic Commando is one of my favorite NES games, but the "Rearmed" version felt the same as this looks.

Ya, even tint. That doesn't stop the shops from selling it of course, they just make you sign a waiver saying you were warned, and they're not responsible.

I think we should start using that and change the definition of selfie forever !

Which is the reason/excuse the cops give here for why we can't have front tinted windows.

Any sort of film on front windows is illegal here in Alberta :(

Is it wrong that seeing that Michelin slick getting rolled out made my mouth water?

It's actually 42...

Only to the brain dead sheeple who think the size of their video card determines their worth.

Maybe it they ditch online play, which is 50/50 with Nintendo

Which came first, the cats, or the crazy lady?

Disappointed it doesn't look like this;

Sooo this is like Tribes 2.0?

I still see old Kinja. I saw new Kinja for a few seconds, but I hit refresh and the old Kinja came back. I have no idea why.

ZEE 06 ?

Damn. Anyone identified the smashing noise?

Alberta drivers can be pretty fucking stupid. I recently started driving a 5-ton truck for a friend's business, and I tried to count all the stupid little things the average driver did in a day. I lasted 20 minutes before giving myself a headache.

My eyes read Oregonian, but my brain saw this;