
Law suits.

It was mentioned in the article. There's potential that someone could then sell/trade it right back to another Gamestop.

How old is Homeworld?
I've never heard of it before, but these comments make me think I should have.

How many games actually required DX11 though?

Take care Owen. I wish you luck in your endeavors.

I haven't played since I finished it, which was a couple weeks after release. But I might come back for the expansion. I just don't know if I want it for PC or PS4

Of COURSE we ate the cookies ! Albeit, with a spoon, like dry cereal.

There was one Christmas where a friend of the family came to drop off christmas cookies. But we weren't home at the time, and they were visiting from out of town so they didn't have time to wait for us to come home.

Ya, that's true, I suppose I should have clarified. Luckily though, I landed a new job and might be able to buy a new PC :D

That's just silly. If I'm going to pay $200 for a 360 to play a sub-par version of the game, I might as well just play it on PC

Nope, sorry, I'm in Canada.


Clearly it's Voyager.

I like you Nintendo, I really do. But if you're not going to give me a Metroid, F-Zero or Star Fox game, I can't support you... good bye :(

One of the most over-hyped games of all time.
That's a list you need to make Kotaku. Can you imagine the amount of seething hate?

Depends on who you talk to. I've played the PC version and the PS4, and the PC version is TERRIBLE. I haven't bothered evening trying to play it since the last 'fix' came out. PS4 is better, although there are still bugs. They aren't as noticeable, or game breaking.

I am also distrustful of bearded men.

I just found my next Halloween costume.

Don't be silly, they don't eat whales. They just kill them. For sport. And Science. It's their god-given-right as Japanese to kill everything in the ocean.

Plane * Crap, where's the edit button on this new kinja now ?!