
That was interesting. I've never been on a place, are they usually drier than that?

Right, because heaven forbid I'd want to have a conversation with someone about something that interests me.

I wasn't assuming anything. I saw mention of 'former' employees and simply asked what happened. Settle down.

The same way Infinity Ward is "still around" but a mere shell of it's former glory. At least most of the people that bailed from Activision's prison camp went on to make Titanfall, which looks great.

According to the that article, desalinated water would only cost me an extra $3 a month, not including whatever markup they'll throw in to cover the cost of the facility.

"Funktronic Labs, a studio founded by ex-members of the Pixeljunk team at Q-Games"

Wait, what happened to the PixelJunk team?

Nuke China and let the world sort itself out.

1 was the most extreme. Especially the part near the end...

So sad... so sad.

You mean my misanthropy? Ya, the internet does that sometimes.

Ya, and unfortunately it's been like that for a while here. Rogers used to offer internet here but they bailed a long time ago, and I've always wondered why. I'm with Rogers mobile, and I occasionally get promotions for their internet service. Their prices seem better than Shawlus, but when I called them to inquire

I live in Alberta, and we have 2 choices. Telus, and Shaw, and they both offer the exact same packages at the exact same price.

I care little how random strangers feel.

The company I work for upgraded all their cell phones last year. They went with the new BBs, giving us the choice between the Q10 and Z10. 3 weeks later, every single one was brought back, and they had to dish out for new Samsung G4s, because people refused to put up with the BB OS anymore. I found it unintuitive, and

I was on the fence about this game, but uncensored or not, those scenes seem... too much. It's one thing to joke about it in a TV show, but to participate in it... too much.

I didn't ask "why do people miss their dead loved ones", I asked why death itself is seen as sad. I certainly miss those that I have lost. But I prefer to focus on their life and the time spent with them, than being saddened by their death.

My dog has no such problems with being skittish. She's unperturbed by people, cars, noises, birds, cats, other dogs, mailmen, gunfire, etc etc etc. She's never bitten anyone, or even come close to showing aggression towards anyone I didn't give her a signal to confront. Since training her, I've never been in a

Not that much. I've bought a few for around $1 each, with no shipping, since they just email the code.

Don't need one. I don't have a credit card, so I just use the prepaid cards. Nintendo might make you use codes that come from the country you've entered, but then you'd just have to buy the codes from one of those websites that sells them for different regions. I can't remember any off the top of my head, but that's