
And I'm approached by bylaw officers constantly, but they leave me alone when they see how well trained my dog is, and they often comment on how they wish more pet owners took the time to train their dogs.

Sure, I've enjoyed his work in the past, but people die. There's no getting around that, so why cry over it?

I've had friends and family members die, just like anyone else, and I'm not afraid of dying. Not sure how me "being alive" cheapens the sentiment.

I didn't care for the Toy Story movies either, and I think I'm old enough (28) that I was at that prime impressionable age that some of the bigger fans were. I like every other Pixar movie, but not those.

I don't think death would take into account the lack of a wedding ring though. If you assume that them moving occurs within 12 months or so of the father's death, which would make sense financially, then it's not a stretch to assume the mother would still be wearing the ring, out of sentiment if not sheer habit.

They're just not seeing the big picture.

True, unless you're one of those responsible dog owners that takes the time and effort to properly train your dog.

Why does death make some people so sad?
We all die eventually. He had a good run. Be happy that he lived a happy and successful life and enriched yours in the process.

Biggest pet peeve? People taking helicopters or tanks, flying/driving to their objective, and ditching them, rather than using them to PTFO.

In Canada, a Double Double is a coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar.

Jesus... I wasn't expecting her to drown :s

Sooner or later these old, bigoted, hateful men will be dead and gone, and hopefully forgotten.

The last time I thought highly of a swiss army knife was when I was 8 years old.

It's a small program. Google DS4 to Xinput. I think I saw it on pcsx2 forums

Is this game played exclusively with the pad, or can it use a controller as well?

There's been some decent progress made on it, but right now the wireless is a little hit-or-miss. If you're ok using it wired, then it's good to go. I'm waiting for them to perfect the wireless before jumping in.

You can use the XB360 and PS3 controllers on your PC without too much hassle, if you already have one of those.

Welcome to gaming. Proud home of the scum of humanity.

I agree, but those are some nightmare inducing shops' man...

I second the mangagement time piece!