
Do. Not. Autoplay.

Because she's always at the back of the pack... ?

That's an S3?!

Is that one of the dragon balls?!

+1 Bob's Burgers is fantastic. Although I never would started watching it if not for Archer... just sayin'

Too late?! Hell no.

Because Japanese isn't the most non-native spoken language in the world.

I don't use credit cards, but I have 2 Chequing accounts. One that's connected to my debit card that is only used for POS stuff, and the other isn't connected to the card, and that's where my bills, paypal, subscriptions, etc come out of, and payroll goes into.

That sounds like all kinds of terrible. That's pretty much what would happen with net neutrality gone.

If the console distributors start having massive sales on digital copies like Steam does, then I'd imagine people would change their tune soon enough. But right now, paying $60 for the same physical or digital game? I'll take physical every time.

With increased pressures from film and music industries, and stupid shit like ACTA, I think we're going to be sitting right where we are now. If net neutrality disappears, I imagine it'll cost us MORE to game with internet than it does now.

So long as publishers and distributors insist on charging the same $60 for physical and digital copies, then I don't see physical media going anywhere. Even if they did offer the digital version cheaper, it would be a long time until the console communities would accept all digital.

I'm trying to sell that one actually, but no biters. I guess no one watches Attack on Titan around these parts :p

Now the question is, drop $500 on an XBone for 1 game, or $1500+ for a gaming PC

Ooooh shit!

Blasphemy sir!

It's a Canadian thing. Google toque :p

A what?! What country is this guy from? That's a toque!

My best friend was dating a girl who put a ton of pressure on him to get his shit together because she wanted to be married and have (at least) her first kid by 27.

My family doesn't hassle me, thank god, but my friends do a bit. I'm 28 and at the point where all my friends have gotten married, or engaged, and some are having kids.