
You mean like the millions of cell phone games out there?

True, but I think it's a bit of a slap in the face of the people who wrote the game. In some cases it's a bit expected, like how most people who play CoD don't bother with the single player campaign. But then a game like Skyrim or Fallout, with it's hours of scripted dialogue and quest chains... For all that to be

He didn't cheat anyone of anything. People invested their time willingly without any explicit promise of 'winning'. If someone assumed they could 'win' this game, they're only to blame themselves.

I feel like I just watched an American Express commercial

That makes me le sad :(

To be fair, Deadmau5 is a huge douche bag. I met him once at a show in Kelowna. A friend of mine works as an event organizer, and was in charge of 'babysitting' him while he was in town. I dunno if GhostZ actually met him but he was definitely not a down-to-earth and pleasant guy. Maybe he met him when he was on

Does anyone else notice that most of the negative comments come from girls?

Wait! I'll join !

Aw that makes me sad. I only have 1 friend that owns a 3DS. I had to download the bravely default demo on my old 3ds just so I could get another villager.

Diddy did it.

*sigh* Nintendo, for fuck's sake... Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero.

I predict a christmas 2014 release. Give the systems more time to sell units.

I liked most of the Fast and Furious movies, and while this looks... ok... something feels off. Specifically, I think it's the cars. I love me some exotic cars, but compared to modified tuners, or muscle cars, they lack character, and passion. They're too sterile.

I agree. I liked them all. They're the kind of movie you can turn your brain off to and just enjoy. I never followed transformers, so I am oblivious to whatever story canon faux pas they may be committing.

I'm 28 and I would have paid extra for a german shepherd plushie... just sayin'

I have no idea how the hardware works, but I'd imagine that it would isolate the sound being output by the system from the ambient sound in the room so it wouldn't pick up what's coming off the screen.

This falls under the same arguement behind buying and selling used games.

All over the place?

Portal and Metroid (with the exception of Other M) both have silent protagonists. You can forget they're female when you play it.

I think that has to do with the game style though. RPGs feel more like you're watching a story unfold, rather than you trying to 'become' the protagonist.