
Not only that but it goes on to say Cloud has “no reason to be uncomfortable” after painstakingly detailing the creepy/predatory/rapey parts. Uhh??

Goddamit, I didn't need feels this early in the morning.

A Metroid show with that style?

Well, the same is true of the actual name of the club, so...

The worst part is that everything is an intentional nod to actual NFL teams. Jaguars becomes Wildcats. Jets becomes Rockets. Steelers becomes Steel Men. Vikings becomes Northmen. The only one that doesn’t quote match up with it’s real life counterpart is Detroit.

Choose to view it as satire and it’s cool.

You can also use WASD to control the camera. Using the mouse is a pain.

It’s a great feeling, but holy shit does my completionism get crippling when it comes to balancing class levels.

Yeah i have all gathering classes at highest lvl now, and currently working on crafting as it takes a little longer, i love switching between classes.

yeah, could you please elaborate the being black stuff???

If only Frank Gehry could have been kept confined to places like this instead of inflicting his horrors upon an innocent and unsuspecting world.

Now playing

This is nothing. The timing is much easier and it’s accomplisheable, if tedious.

. . . Building a robot is part of their abilities. Getting good at pressing a button when the screen flashes. That’s a good ability to improve! (sarcasm) Building a robot to do something tedious for you. THAT’S a good ability to have.

I hope they do bring this game westward.

Whoa. That’s goddamn freaky.

agreed... Wall E was a great movie, possible their best

Ratatouille should be higher. You are bonkers. The end.