
Can't tell if sarcastic. I was just imagining all the fat-shaming and concern-trolling to follow.


Given Roe v. wade, no, the government can't regulate that you keep a thing in your body against your will. They try, though. If your problem is that the catchphrase is imprecise, I don't know what to tell you. But your original analogy was imprecise too.

Anyway, size 14 is hardly fat. There's no moral hazard here. (Not to say there is for larger sizes. There is no moral hazard. It's all bullshit. Why won't they shut up and take my money?)

But at least no one said he had to grow and nurture that cancer at the expense of his own body because the cancer is at some level alive. The phrase regulate Our bodies" refers to the right to make decisions about what you do or do not want to happen to your body. Except for limited cases where you're a danger to

I thought it was a pro-choice sign too. Then again it's not shocking they came up with a stupidly ambiguous sign (because they're stupid. Yeah I said it.)

House looked unrealistically big on the inside.

Actually I like the padding, it's like an extra layer of protection. It doesn't seem to make them bigger, just obscures the shape and pointy outies.

Yes, thank you! I didn't even see Justin's face at first, just this weirdly unattractive, droopy-boob lady profile. I can't believe something that ugly got approved. It looas like a B- student project.

Oh god it's perfect.

Most definitely, as is the talent. LovebColin Hanks. Check out "the good guys" if you haven't already.

I think that had to have been a joke, because I refuse to believe it was serious.

Yeah, kinda unfortunate article. I have lots of these qualities and I'm a good friend. I don't judge other people's fun. How many people I did it with is irrelevant.

Oh dang, thanks for clearing that up for me. I was wondering why it didn't work.

It's been bad for awhile. I tend to read the headlines, original links and comments only. Skip the writing.

I'm a red-head too. As for what's the big deal, see above.

Could everyone please stop calling redheads "gingers" please? It's not cute, and you're just doing it to make yourself sound worldly and like you have foreign friends or something. But to me it just sounds like you watched South Park once and want to be cool. In reality you're using a word to describe a neutral trait

As long as you're not actually raping her, I don't see how you're damaging your autonomy. She wants to pick up what you're putting down, if you would just put it down already. Sure, tell her what's going on, but only as a step to put this to rest. stop beating yourself up.

I just think its ok to feel this way about your wife, and avoiding sex is just going to make it worse.

What you call "skewed perception" sounds more like "no perception". Please, tell us you promise not to be alone with anyone else for a long time and promise to run when someone hurts you.