
You need to talk to your own therapist about this. You think your wife is hot and you both want to have sex but you decline because you're afraid you think too much that she's hot? You're her wife, you're allowed to think that. You're the only person who's allowed to think that. And if you don't demonstrate it, you

You need to not be alone with strangers off you don't know to run away when someone punches you. I'm serious.

Yeah, you might wind up using 3 of your 15 appts, but it's better than wasting your time with someone who doesn't click with you. After your insurance is used up, many therapists offer sliding scale fees. That's something else to ask them about

youmeet you might wind up using 3 of your 15 appts, but it's better than wasting your time with someone who doesn't click with you. After your insurance is used up, many therapists offer sliding scale fees. That's something else to ask them about.

And it's not like you can just go to a plus size store to get size 14 either. It's like a unicorn.

Make "interview" appointments with 3 or 4 different ones and see which one you Feel the most comfortable talking to and want to see again. It's kind of like dating that way.

Even if her toes weren't poking out, they're still not flattering.

Yes, thank you! I have the same problem. Racks and racks of 2s and 6s and 18s, no 12s or 14s, even though i read 12 is the average size in the US.

combination of bad taste and being out of her comfort zone.

I have a hard time watching this show because of how badly they treat Winston - the characters and the writers. They don't even pretend to give him an actual character life anymore or have the other roommates treat him like an equal friend. It makes me feel bad for him.

Ugh yes! I've lived in Chicago four years and while I've met some great people here and there it seems really hard to get people to actually make plans to hang out And do friends stuff, i so miss that. I would love to go to a Chicago Jezzie meetup!