
Haha yeah could be, "Oh, don't feel too bad, her fiance is pretty dull anyway"

It's ok if you fast forward through Jason Biggs who has zero chemistry with Piper.

That's why there's Google. For someone at JT's level it's probably good to have someone google whatever gets shortlisted to avoid this kind of thing and/or find potential revenue/charity opportunities that might exist.

I watched a few minutes of this rhe other day and was just annoyed at how often they repeated the word "really" for EVERYTHING, as if that was rhe right way to teach kids how to talk.

Yeah I felt like she was criticizing Zimmerman's supporters whose actual motives are defending their right to kill a scary black guy if they wanted to. I don't see how this is racist, it's just calling out people with bad hidden motives.

I don't think any of this is racist. If 99% of women report being sexually harassed I don't think it's racist to question wtf is going on with that culture.

I get it, and I totally agree - growing up in the suburbs I lost 3 cats to the great outdoors, while my current city cat has never been outside and is happy as can be. Even if I lived in the burbs I don't think I'd let a cat outside ever again. It just makes me sad that that's the world we live in. One of 1,987,567

Yeah, agreed. I had so many emptions watching this. I felt bad that they were being introduced to the outdoors because it's dangerous and unsuitable for city cats. And then the idea of them never seeing the outside also made me feel bad.

It's still worth pointing out the erroneous use of passive language and attribution of miracles in much of the coverage. It wasn't a miracle, it was hard-working, selfless people. One article doesn't counteract all the others if you don't happen to see it.

Yes, that one story is going around that focuses on the cabin manager, but I hope we get to hear more of the crew's stories, when they're ready.

Being in an abusive relationship screws up peoples' heads seriously. We don't know what led to her agreeing to take the kids, or if she could have predicted this. There isn't enough information to judge.

The detail about the husband kicking down the door makes it obvious to me that she is being abused. Keep the kids away, yes, but also have some compassion for your friend who's in a terrible situation and needs help.

It always seems like a god idea at the time..

I see Raven Monae.

Surprised they don't find the surgery immodest or some shit.

The fact that this keeps happening has to make one wonder if this is really about protesting or just a chance to act like animals and take out their animal rage on the helpless. I mean it's really hard to take a group of people seriously when this happens once, much less over and over.

Chronic bitch face isn't just not smiling all the time. People just don't like it when you look like you're consciously grimacing or frowning, even if that's just the way your mouth is shaped. They want you to smile not because they think everyone should smile all the time, but because you are frowning, that is

Well, don't kid yourself, for most women/most professions this shit is a requirement. I already do a lot of the stuff you mentioned and the stuff mentioned in the article, out of necessity. It feels like a struggle every day to keep myself decently polished and even the most I can manage is groomed eyebrows, clean

Mine was just a chaotic mess. Whenever I day-dream about a do-over I try to remind myself to stop living in the past.

If you don't want to give her up you could try getting her a kitty friend. Cats don't need that much room, theyjust need to not be bored.