Things (accessories/features) my car from 2012 has that my car from 1987 doesn’t:
Things (accessories/features) my car from 2012 has that my car from 1987 doesn’t:
Found the asshole.
could you possibly be any more insufferable
Of course, idiot miatas have to try and show off after a fucking Diablo leaves.
the reason they can’t* have that job anymore. The morality policing is far out of hand.
It’s been happening for years, but took off as soon as Trump was elected. Then Jalopnik cast off the car-enthusiast persona and unleashed the full wrath of the ultra-left ‘we know what’s best and fuck you if you disagree’ circle jerk that the rest of the former gawker sites are so full of.
Careful, saying anything that doesn’t fully agree with the authors here will get you back in the greys permanently. Ask me how I know.
Found the white knight.
You should probably just stay inside, the world is scary.
That is a fantastic looking car.
I would have absolutely zero issue doing this.
Time to learn the...
I usually stay at the Ramada Plaza in Fort Walton Beach then drive in to Destin for the days.
All that and the trunk badge looks fucked up. Good job Mercedes.
I mean aside from the fact that he nearly killed his passenger, right?
he does this all the time.
hey man, fuck cruise control. I did a Minneapolis to Las Vegas trip and back in a 1987 Supra with no cruise control. Sometimes it’s the journey my friend.
Pretty sure that’s a lambo, dude.
VW: -1000