It does make you less of a car enthusiast. In my opinion, I don’t think they’re car enthusiasts at all. They’re art connoisseurs who happen to appreciate the medium of the automobile. Which is fine, but I’ll at least call it like I see it.
It does make you less of a car enthusiast. In my opinion, I don’t think they’re car enthusiasts at all. They’re art connoisseurs who happen to appreciate the medium of the automobile. Which is fine, but I’ll at least call it like I see it.
Actually, it was all seven movies for ~35 bucks when I bought it. And hell yes I bought it.
Bullshit, asshole, nobody likes the tuna here*
The problem with this is with the C5 ‘vette market the way it is, you can have just as much (or more, depending on if you like modified or not, or you prefer convertible, etc) car for less money. As nice as it is, CP all day.
My previously uninformed biased opinion of him is becoming more and more validated. *Smugness intensifies*
That would make it a faptality, no?
Well right, but acquiring the cactalyst for fun (the car) for free is the big part. It always costs SOMETHING to do anything, so I don’t count that part.
Mine is more rare: 70. Unlimited satin white pearl.
Only if you put it in your back yard
Get me a free car and you’ll get your article
Alright, whatever dude. Go be pedantic and argumentative elsewhere.
Only if you register it.
You’re thinking inside the box.
$50 > $0
You should fix that
Like many others, you seem to have mistakenly interpreted “I can find an entertaining use” for “ i would daily drive”.
Pre or post crush?
Only if you attempt to DD it, which at no point did I say I would do.
You really wouldn’t take a free cavalier to jump the shit out of it? Wow.