Well done Vettel. Shows why he is one of the absolute best, regardless of the Hamilton knob shlobbers and his dedicated herd of detractors.
Well done Vettel. Shows why he is one of the absolute best, regardless of the Hamilton knob shlobbers and his dedicated herd of detractors.
Who cares? Whatever it is, it will be awesome. Leave the man be.
Let’s take a super awesome Toyota sports car and cripple it with sharty reliability and other BMW problems. No wonder they haven’t decided to produce it.
Mine isn’t technically for sale but realistically it would be for less than 15k. 2005 Subaru Legacy GT wagon, with manual. Only offered with a manual one year Less than 1500 made. 118 made in white. 70 in non-limited trim. 1 of 70 turbo manual AWD pearl white wagon with a fresh turbo rebuild. Good luck finding another…
Easy. But a Subaru that has the rear quarter rust already. They’re usually pretty much solid otherwise, but since the quarters are already Pre rusted you won’t have to feel bad.
what a fucking shit-head
Never underestimate people’s capacity for stupidity.
So do you get a garage? Can you apply modifications and different wheels and different body parts to your cars?
I like how THAT was the part you chose to make an issue of.
I bet you’re fun at parties
Jezebel is that way. —>
Have fun in your 1984 big brother government controlled utopia.
Then go somewhere else where they truly tell you everything you can and cannot do
You keep writing articles like this, and I’ll forgive all the ‘car car is the car’s car car’ stuff. :)
Please write a story about this.
Ah, but Doug, that would require EFFORT. No one is willing to put more work into something if they will still get paid doing less.
I have a ‘95 GT as my beater :D
Great, that’s just what the prick needed, more validation for his monstrous ego.
You apparently didn’t read my comment. Try again. I’ll give you a hint, it’s a direct quote from my first comment. “ I’M NOT SAYING IT ISN’T JUSTIFIED”. Did you catch it? Do you see what I did there?