
Maybe so... but if I were in change of billions of dollars worth of a country's budget, I'd spend more on space exploration, new propulsion tech, and new ways to acquire energy. Alas, I am not. I do what I can to move things in a good direction for the things I can affect though.

I for one really like Windows 8, the start screen is just a better start menu on my desktop, and on my girlfriend's Surface Pro 2 it makes a great touch interface.

Or, to sum it up in one word: winter.

That's no moon.


I see only one flaw with this article. If we are assuming (for the sake of argument) that you are going to consume 4k calories this Thanksgiving, then you do NOT have to 4k calories worth of burning. As you already mentioned, you body will burn anywhere from 1,600 - 2,000 calories just to keep itself alive and

but I don't find asians attractive

I think you just got burned.

People asked for a source and he posted two, both by the Center for Disease Control. Don't you think they're one of the best, if not the best, sources on this matter? Do you have a more credible source disputing their data? What makes you the authority to determine which sources are credible or not?

I'm a white guy who finds females of most races appealing, but I don't find asians attractive (despite the fact that most men do).

I also don't find men attractive, or excessively overweight females either.

It doesn't mean that I hate asians, men, and fat people, it means that I'm not sexually attracted to them.

And cue the "all preferences are racist" morons. Oh, wait, too late.

But doesn't this all equal out once you take into account that you-go-black-you-never-go-back?

Yeah and he's WRONG.

Now playing

Yes — everyone does. Pre- and post-Iron Man.

Okay, great. Let's read the article to see if that's true.

My friend always teased me about my leather fetish. I always thought he had the most beautiful skin.

People who crack their iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 screens

"this feature could prove as transcendent a mobile technology as touch screens are."

Picard predicted the first Android phone...

iPad my ass.... Picard uses Android.