
Attitudes like that create a self fulfilling prophecy. :(

hmmm....I didn't realize I was a lying. I can honestly say I never ate playdough. Luckily, my need to convince others of this is non existent. So why am I posting at all? Damnit I just can't help myself! >_<

Email was a wonderful convention when dial modems and desktops were the premier forms of communication. Once cell phones came along, shared desktops/laptops became a bit inconvenient compared to a personal communications device. Since then, personal communication happens on those personal devices and your desktop or

*sigh*....I was waiting for the ignoramus that thinks weather = climate. /facepalm

The PS controller morph forgot about this little diddy:

I see only one flaw with this article. If we are assuming (for the sake of argument) that you are going to consume 4k calories this Thanksgiving, then you do NOT have to 4k calories worth of burning. As you already mentioned, you body will burn anywhere from 1,600 - 2,000 calories just to keep itself alive and

Now this is a logical rebuttal. I was actually thinking many of the same points myself, but didn't want to say so until the emotional "zOMG RACIST" hysteria wore down. The accuracy of the study can be called into question, but only scientifically. Argumentum ad antiquatum (in the past this has been flawed so this

Because that is what scientists and critically thinking people do. Republicans like to say "that stat doesn't feel right" and are then shocked when they lose elections. If a statistic "doesn't make sense" there should be another credible study that refutes it. No one has presented one. If the statistic is true, it


It's a good thing this is not designed to be eaten. Wouldn't eating this technically make you a cannibal?

I don't understand why this is sad, happy, or any other emotion. It's simply a chemical reaction. I can't control the race I'm attracted to anymore than I can control the gender. It's not a choice....

That really all depends on which strain of Herpes you are referring to. The majority of all humans are born with herpes simplex A and are nothing more than cold sores. Are are referring to a complex strain?

Taking a Nexus 7 and folding it in half to become about a Nexus 4 is gimmicky? Having to buy one device rather than a phone AND a tablet is gimmicky? I don't think this word means what you think it means.....

Not A DS. The DS has two screen that work in tandum (and only for gaming really at that)This is one, seamless screen. It definitely an upgrade. Many company have tried the two screens in a clam shell design and they fail because people just can't stand the seam or in most cases, the outright gap. If this screen

I did read the link. I also read the reviews of said micro-suction rails. Evidently it makes the phone hard to get out of the dock. And the lightning connector has stability issues. So now you have fight to get it out of a case (and perhaps hurting the fragile lightning connector in the process) AND fight to get

$50 to tilt your phone? Are there any other features you can tell us about.........please? Will said tilt even work in a case? If think paying $50 to take my phone out of a case every time I want to charge it is useful? Keeping mind, PLACING your phone on your desk "beats just tossing your phone on

To be fair, unless you have Kitkat (Android 4.4) or the Moto X, you need to open Google Now on Android too.

Your phone doesn't provide this information unsolicited. If you ASK your mother to remind you to get to work on time....and then call her condescending or nagging for doing so....well.....You're a bit of a d*ck.

Which nations in Africa are developed/1st world nations? Orange.

How wonderful! A woman came to visit him! :)