
Why? Unlike you, when I find something pointless...I go do something else that I find interesting.

This article is tempting me to buy 2 SSDs for my laptop and RAID 0 them....

Way to one up it.

The past doesn't exist. Neither does the future. Time only exists as a construct of our own imagining to coordinate events for our convenience.

Of course they COULD be. Android is a perfectly capable (if not superior OS).

I have to say I agree. Android is a better OS. No question. WP8 is a better and more modern UI. No question (imo).

Your rant is clearly tied to your emotions. I have only two points in response and they are more for anyone that might read this than you. I get there is no convincing you.

You're on the right track, but your numbers are a little off.

I'd rather not be an advert for either...however, since it's incredibly difficult to get the functionality of the phone without the logo, I'll simply have to deal with that.

This doesn't surprise me.

I think it would. Awareness and education have shown time and time again to be the #1 reason for progress. Most people know that sodas are bad, but I don't think most people now HOW bad.

It's a nice enough case, but I'm not going to buy a case with the manufacturer logo being displayed so blatantly. It's tacky and I don't feel like paying for the right to be their advertising.


Qeue up Penelope " shots are just a little bit better than yours soooo....."

It's a figure of speech. Calm down.

I hope the Chinese workers beat up you next.

Good for them! I'm glad that globalization has brought the desire for real human rights to the world.

Where two people agree on everything, one of the two is not needed.

That says more about you than the entirety of the DNC you loathe so much.