
I have it on good authority that the bartender at PF Changs is black, and that Mark Davis, after his fourth appletini did in fact offer him the job. Negotiations broke down only after Davis couldn’t get the bartender to be his best friend in the entire world as well.

The was one story about Harry, and his pals. We don’t need another series about Harry’s kids saving the world, then another about his grandkids saving the world, and another about his great grandkids.

The answer is both simple and obvious: Alabama. Didn’t win their conference, didn’t even win their division, didn’t have to play an extra game against a high-quality opponent. If you’re only going to have a four-team playoff, you have to treat conference championship games as the defacto first round, and conference

that was my favorite part of TFA, and I’m glad they kept it going: Kylo Ren very clearly has never been taught how to fight with his lightsaber. he’s an untrained reservoir of raw power who has never been meaningfully challenged, and as a result his technique is made entirely out of bad habits.

whereas Rey’s fight

“Jerry is one of the really, really, really outstanding men of football that I’ve ever met, and I really admire him.”

The Mummy and the Last Knight didn’t feature a young boy manipulating his mother to commit murder through the power of precociousness.

More like Garrison Feeler

It’s hard for me to think of many stories that subverted the hero’s journey quite as uniquely or in a way that twisted the knife as effectively as VII.

By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.

Good Morning Kinjaers!

It’s so cool how the New York Times bends over backwards to give a platform and voice to people who want me dead because of the color of my skin.

Browbeating unpaid players isn’t so much a ‘management style,’ as a raging personality disorder, but I guess other than that and the potential child rape coverup Greg sounds great. Why would anyone, at any age, want to work for a micromanaging authoritarian?

I don’t have children, but that’s exactly why I love my Switch as a 30-something. I play before sleeping or on weekends in bed or else on the couch while “watching shows” with the wife.

I can’t wait to play this on the go. Since my wife and daughter hog the TV constantly, I play the Switch exclusively in handheld mode, so the compromises should be minor as far as the graphics go. Hoping they can port some type of Fallout to Switch soon. I can only hope and dream for a port of New Vegas...

I read this on the local station’s site this morning. It makes me proud to have this guy representing the Pistons.

“I want to use this as a general opportunity..”

“if we evolved from monkeys, why are there monkeys?”

Yeah I admit I kind of read this article half checked out because it cited Horizon Zero Dawn as a PROBLEM game in the beginning. I agree with what’s being said but Horizon tries its best to buck a lot of the problems with Open World games and to me both it AND BotW are going to be major influences into the right

How did you wring yet another article out on this subject? Horizon was a great game, period. I admit to suffering some “map game exhaustion” (although I resist your efforts to turn “map game” into a thing) - I abandoned Fallout 4 halfway through, and when I recently loaded up Shadow of War, my urge to slaughter