
Orlando has to be thinking about another move right? Because without pick involved this seems pretty one-sided

It’s absurd to suggest that the Thunder don’t have any realistic chance to win a title. At the games they are always going to have two of the best three players (and in many cases 3 of the best 4 players) on the court, and any time that’s the case a team has at least a chance.

When/where will those FFVII figures be available?

I’ve never complained about his dancing or celebrations, so I’m not sure what your point is, but my issue wasn’t with his celebrating, I’m just not a fan of people who can dish it out, but can’t take it.

Does this make it better though? Cam’s response to people complaining about his celebrations was if you don’t like it, stop me (which I completely agree with) but when somebody did just that, he can’t handle being on the other end of it? I like Newton, but this just wasn’t a good look for him.

I laughed way harder than I should have at Porkchops Bazingas

Or better yet, a meeting in Europe that may or may not ever occur.

I can, he has one job, know the rules, its his entire purpose for being on the show.

Being entirely humorless, that’s some solid #adulting

And then the ball boy seemed to try and play keep away for a second, which I thought was weird

I second that motion


I find the lack of One Punch Man disturbing.

9 Fans*

So, I have the first game, but never finished it after hearing how unlikely the second part getting here was. Do I understand correctly that a majority of the story is completed in the 2nd part and playing the third isn’t that necessary?

Am I the only one that’s kind of perturbed that the news is on a first name basis with Khloe? It’s weird that they say Lamar Odom but then only refer to her by first name in the text on the screen

Imagine the kind of mischief he and Silky Garrard would get into.


Where Luck falls short in comparison to Rodgers, and why I think the rush to anoint Luck as top three guy (not saying you are doing that, just that it happens) is premature, is accuracy. Luck doesn’t have the kind of accuracy Rodgers does, and that Rodgers has it while making throws like that is just insane.

I don’t remember what game it was, but he had a throw to Richard Rodgers last year that I still don’t understand how it worked.