
Love me some Glove and Boots! And yes gotta agree, best explanation of the "monomyth" is recent memory

"because watching straight-up murder and mayhem is always more fun than ill-thought-out political messages and warmed-over suspense."

or mah Meth??

"My name is Dr. Price...
I'm systematically rounding up your kind and wiping you out...
Because I'm evil!"

Indeed! CJA, your write-ups are always a great cure for having a "Case of the Mondays" =)

"and in this episode he jumps into Hodor when Hodor is Hodoring up a Hodor and possibly about to get everybody Hodored"

I knew watching The Smurfs as a child would come in handy one day=)

*Gillan will be part of a troika of villains,*
will she play the lead horse to pull the sled or one of the "Blitzen"-like ones?

=) hehe love using the word troika

Wicked Games...

Game of Thrones will not air next Sunday because of the airing of "Behind the Candleabra" -the Liberace movie with Matt Daaaaammmmooonnn.( my South park impression)

never have i laughed so hard at a Coldplay reference until this moment

"To date, they remain the only band whose guitarist has a scrotum for a face, with the possible exception of Coldplay."


hahaha Pokemon reference to a 90's Robot genre movie! I love it!

You are quite welcome. You said in your post what all of us who are tired of bricken blatant posting " nerd rage" hate just so he could get a paycheck, were thinking. Even during airing of this last episode of Defiance , i was thinking in my head " Oh no, what type of filth is Bricken gonan write about this episode

was that a chainsaw penis attachment i saw?

Awesome recap . Thoroughly enjoyed reading every part of it, and this coming form a fan who has never read the books and is very happy you didn't spoil any of the upcoming things=) Mucho thanks!

"Often he has very valid points, than his moods shifts and he's very egotistical, overly self entitled, and blatantly myopic."
Oh so true. I had to stop reading his Walking Dead Recaps because he was just potshotting at anything he didn't like.

You tell em @Joseph. I have been waiting for someone to speak up against the "Bricken-stocracy" ever since he started finding flaws in Walking Dead recaps. I could go on for hours tearing apart each and every comment he's made out in slight against not just this show but other's but i digress. I could also use terms

very true. the more i think about it, it really doesn't take that much gleaning to figure out what all goes down. Can't wait to see it visually done though!

I haven't read the books either but just from watching the next episode Primer and also the pre-season "Whats to come" scene mashup , I have a fairly good guess at why Daenny is willing to trade her red dragon( not sure of his name?) for the 8,000 Unsullied. Especially after the reveal from Ser jorah that the

Have to agree on the musical chairs" Small Council meeting part. I was literally LOL . That and the scene after Podrick recieves his "payment" for saving Tyrions life. The whole "bro mentality" of Tyrion and Bronn circling around him asking " Well don't spare the details.."had me laughing just as hard.

a literal bullet, amirite?