
So if I held a knife to your throat, and then a bunch of passers by loudly protested, and so I dropped it... you're telling me you'd be cool with me?

I much prefer linearity in an FPS - or rather, creative and well crafted arenas within a linear framework. I played Far Cry 3 for the first time yesterday, and totally lacked compulsion. I just gave up out of boredom after an hour or so.

u can see it coming miilleesss away

That it's fucking amazing?

Whut. The Xbone is clearly significantly larger.

Good heavens, not a single peep from the MS apologists so far.

It's really like Sony and Microsoft just didn't give two shits this time around. The PS3 and Xbox 360 were distinctive and aesthetically pleasing. The new consoles are both so bland and boring that they look near identical. Cheap and tacky DVD-players usually look more impressive.

Technically it's a parallelepiped.

I agree, I have no idea how Ancel ended up adding such a crappy character design to the series. I guess it was forced on them from above. Ly from Rayman 2 would have been far better. Or just a decent original design. Why on Earth is there a Viking in the Glade of Dreams? Just plain lazy.

I'm sure he'll gladly trade the somewhat jarring looks in the mirror (realizing his face is completely different, I mean) for all that.

Awesome, I always wondered if this would be possible.

You shouldn't mock. He's clearly very intellectually advanced. Hell, I have a BA in mathematics and even I couldn't comprehend his ideas!

The concept is ridiculously clever. But it's really impossible to tell what the quality of its gameplay will be.

Clearly Playstations are magical devices, and lacking in the awesomeness inhibitor software that other consoles and PCs bizarrely programmed into themselves.

Flawless logic.

Because typewriters are an optimum gaming input device.

This looks amazing and I feel sick.

I really have no idea what you're talking about. The ridiculousness of what? Some guy wrote an arrogant, depreciating post, and so I lampooned his crappy attitude. What exactly do you find so confusing or objectionable?

You're really paranoid. There's nothing particularly trollish about this post.