
What's entertaining about this?

Unfortunately not, I literally just didn't understand how this thing functioned.

The other guy said the idea was that the ball stayed inside the womb. So the point was that once she was raped the woman had no say in whether she became pregnant or not.

To be fair, the two explicit explanations people offered me were exact opposites of one another. The article's ambiguous.

When did I ever claim that what is good art for me is good art for you?

I expressed my opinion. Why do you find this so problematic?

Right, because all art is necessarily good art.

I like how you just described your own post. Troll harder.

See, it sounds to me like you're telling me the exact opposite of what the other guy told me. Which was that the point was that the sperm can't get past the flippers.

Mm. I guess. Would make more sense if the woman could choose to be in the receptive state or the blocking state.

Amazing. You tell a bare-faced lie, and somebody refuses to continue the discussion until you have the courtesy to stop. And instead of reflecting on your conduct, you whine about them going on tangents and not addressing your other points. Yes, how audacious of them to take issue with your dishonesty, rather than

Oh. I thought the flippers would act like a valve.

But women can fail to conceive, and may miscarry.

You're still lying. I never said "immediately".

You're lying. I said, "if you don't like it and can't convince the population to change it, you can leave". You reformulated this as, "if you don't like something, give up and leave, instead of attempting to change it". This is patently not what I said. This is called lying.

I don't get it.

If you don't like it and can't convince the population to change it

Pirating it has the *exact* same economic effect, only that you get to actually play the game, as well... Breaking copyright law deprives artists of their income no more than boycotting them does. You know this, I know this, this has been argued a million times before and not once has a valid argument that pirating a

It's not made by 2 people.

No, I didn't miss your point. You missed mine. The percentage is irrelevant. As long as it's non-negligible, only a very modest number of people need be on a team for somebody to hold that view. If it were as low as 20% amongst creative people, you still only need a team of 10 to be 90% sure.