that's unnecessary, and if that's a joke you should know it's not funny at all :)
In an attempt to better explain what their game is actually about, UemeU's developers put together a new trailer. I…
US ONLY!?! but I'm in Canada... It's not like it would be hard to ship it to here from the US. What a gyp. They should have said there was a US limit when they accepted 300,000 applications.
It's also led to some of the world's greatest tragedies when people listen only to themselves and refuse to hold any regard for outside opinion.
You think you're tough but you're just a revolting person.
I find it actually pretty clever. Would never read The Sun but still.
Why? Are you disgusted by the human body?
"You really are an utterly humourless git aren't you?"
Boy, the level of discourtesy injected into this comment thread escalated quickly.
Looks like he missed the point about missing the point.
You are an idiot.
You shouldnt. I remember people saying i was a horrible person because i sold my ps2 release day for 2x as much. Supply and demand.
If people are well-heeled enough to be able to afford spending hundreds of dollars on a BOX, why should I feel bad about selling my box? (Oh, but for better phrasing).