
I wasn’t able to find a photo from the exact angle but from this one the roof line, the rear wheel arch bulge, the character line on the lower part of the door, the front wheel arch bulge, the side angle of the rear light and the amount of overhang visible at the front of the wheels all look very similar.

A fwd LMP car.

Saw that coming...

I see your single hardtop, and raise you five convertibles.

I always thought the 59 Bonneville has more ostentatious fins, though they weren’t as tall, there were more of them.

Last ?

My father, 12 years old at the time, was flying through a department store parking lot, darting through parked cars on his bicycle. While coasting and standing upright on his pedals, he was dislodged from his perch by the tip of one of these fins TO THE KNEECAP. He doesn’t remember much between that and the hospital

If I had to guess, it probably went downhill when the mom mentioned that her daughter would turn violent if she had a meltdown. Airlines take that sort of thing very seriously. Up until that point the howling was probably just a minor disturbance.

Packard had driving lights that turned with the wheels in the 1930s.

Tucker 48 had a turning center headlight just after WWII.

Oh god. From Canal to, what, St. Ann? And then again 2-3 blocks later when you hit Lafitte’s Blacksmith. Never get the smell out of my nostrils - and I haven’t been there in almost two years.

These are extremely well-considered points.

No it’s not off the menu! GOOOOOO. Take video. I want to laugh.

Seems like more of a reason to take it offroad. Think of the clicks you can get with a “A Jeep is good off road, but what this driver did might surprise you!” headline and one wheel spinning wildly in the sand as the car doesn’t go anywhere.

This photo made we want to start an E30 M3 project car to sit next to my E90!

This is probably the same kind of person who’d cry “OMG offensive pornography” to $kaycog’s COTD girl pic.

There’s a kid around here that drives a Warsteiner clone, looks exactly like that. Sounds great too. I think his dad owns a BMW shop or something.

meet in the parking lot of the local police station and have them look and wave at the parking lot camera :D

Except that it wouldn’t.

Google. Seriously. You turn into Apple Maps when you’re hungry.