I have trouble gaining weight. Thanks for the insight that I'm gross, Lily.
I have trouble gaining weight. Thanks for the insight that I'm gross, Lily.
It's like a marigold! Beautiful!
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! The same Juan Pablo who thought that the woman inviting him for a romp in the ocean SET A BAD EXAMPLE FOR HIS DAUGHTER?!?!?
Bachelor: "I want to get to know more about that AboutNuts that I want to know."
This joke just made me have an orgasm.
Exactly!! My daughter had her PhD in rain on her face and mud on her feet at that age. What rock are you keeping her under, and why, parents?!?!
I had avoided watching this, but Jamie is a hero.
I think "when everyone is done getting their artistic feelings out" is a loaded and dismissive description of art. If only the weeping widows should be allowed to create "tasteful" art about the Challenger disaster, we'd be circumventing the point of art.
Is anyone else beginning to have the sneaking suspicion that the "buzz" about the audio clip is being created by Queen Bey herself? Doesn't Jay-Z OWN NASA at this point?
Doesn't Beyonce own her reaction to the Challenger disaster as much as anyone else? Does someone who knows someone who died in the Challender disaster own it more than her? As someone else said, NASA is a public agency and the audio is owned by the public. Beyonce is an artist in the public, and her artistic…
Am I the only one who favored the woman getting tickled at the swimming cat? I laughed with her until I cried, and listened to her say "physical activities" three times.
I am so sorry.
I WAS JUST READING HER COLLECTED SHORT STORIES AND SAW THIS, YOU GUISE! I had never heard of her until she won the prize, and now I am undergoing full on Alice Munro immersion. Several times in the last few days, I've guiltily thought, "She writes like a man," and then tried to justify it, or define it in my mind.…
I thought Gisele made some tone-deaf comment about how "breast feeding should be required by law" that initiated the negative publicity, no?
You know what? No. Taking a kid to a doctor when you are coparenting means communicating that you are taking the kid to the doctor and following up because it's about the child that you are coparenting together's health. I say meltdown justified and side eye to your ex.
I feel like I just got a glimpse into the lives of the Popular Kids in High School. This is what was happening while I was doing calculus homework and smelling my own chili farts on a typical Saturday.
Oh my god. This gif was MADE for this moment.
As my mother would say, "Gag a maggot!"