I am from Missouri, and I am writing an email addressing him right now. Can you post his email address? Edited: You just did. Sorry!
I am from Missouri, and I am writing an email addressing him right now. Can you post his email address? Edited: You just did. Sorry!
This was essentially my homecoming formal in 1998, and I wore the shit out of it!
The characters on this show are unimaginative and obvious, and the show is a disservice to some of the more nuanced issues of sexism. It's gonna take more than a dreamy landscape to addict me to a show that proffers little more than vicarious anger at a sexist cliche.
Just laughed harder than I have in a long time. Thank you!
I added my comment about my sister being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March, but if I'd read your comment first I would have posted it as a reply. I'm sorry about your mom, and like you, will consider myself lucky to grow older with my child.
My 35 year-old sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March, and she has a 5% prognisis of being alive in 5 years, when her daughters will be 10 and 11, respectively. Here's how both of us will feel about growing older: lucky.
God, I just love this kid so much. Find your way, Hannah. Don't give up.
Me tooooooo! It's a BAY-BEEEEE!
You know what? This is awesome, and I hope it makes life outside of camp better for them later. Everyone needs sangha, but especially these kids. Go parents, go kids, go camp counselors and organizers!
This! I know we're not supposed to say that, but "This!" I keep making the "greyed" comment that the public service take-home is: "Don't beat the shit out of an asshole who harasses you on the street, because he might have a gun and is within his legal rights to kill you in America."
It's more accurate to say that the Trayvon Martin case proved that if you beat the shit out of an asshole who harasses you on the street in America, he may be within his legal rights to kill you.
"She was a stripper."
I do hear you, and it is likely that Martin backed off once Zimmerman drew the weapon. From the sound of things, it happened very quickly. I wish that Zimmerman had stayed in his car, as I wish that Martin had not made a choice to beat the shit out of Zimmerman.
There were eight calls to the Sanford police made on the night of the shooting. You can listen to them on the wikipedia page you linked. Neighbor identified as "John," who was also mentioned as being seen by Zimmerman on the balcony in his police interview. He ("John") states that Martin was on top of Zimmerman, who…
The witness at the balcony who placed the 911 phone call corroborated that Zimmerman did not have his gun drawn when Martin was on top of him slamming his head against the concrete.
I thought Zimmerman just got out of his car to check the address to give to the police officer and was walking back to his truck when he was physically attacked by Martin first? No one (on here at least) debates that Zimmerman was racial profiling, but I haven't seen detailed controversy or legal evidence that…
Oh no. Poor Lea!
Mom's chicken noodle soup from her old laying hens and/or disgruntled roosters is INCREDIBLE. If it has been cared for and fed well in life, it's a marvelous soup chicken independent of age.
Yes, thank you! I wasn't going to say it. Thank you.