
I'd like to take a moment to say "hats off" to the cop who quietly arrested Reese Witherspoon, quietly withstood her derogatory and drunken accusations, quietly protected innocent American citizens from a potential vehicular homicide, and is quietly watching while Reese Witherspoon apologizes on national television

I want to thank the other commenters mentioning the disservice of linking to his site. Tucker Max is a has-been, and I think that may be softening our response to this post. Non-consensually videotaping a woman during sex is sexual assault, and he's not in jail because he targeted victims less likely to speak out. His

"Bob" DeNiro's cucumber gin martini sounds DELICIOUS!

I love how the other little boy in the vintage Channing Tatum shot is like, "OHHHHH SHIIIIIIT!"

Victoria Roman looks like a goddess.

I'm from St. Louis, Missouri, now living in Madison, Wisconsin. I know who she is.


Fuck that shit! ::Hug::


I loved this article. I am a skinny lady on OKCupid. Weight has come up in similar ways as this author, and I've also experienced men who were misleading about their weight. You know what? Every single man who had posted a misleading picture laughingly acknowledged that he had done so as a first point in the

I'm writing a little acoustic ditty called "Go Fuck Yourself Beyonce."


I unabashedly love her and her perfect smile two seconds from faceplant. Princess!

It is apparently impossible to take a picture of an insecure, unpoised capybara. I consulted Google images in this matter.

It's time to start using this guy's mugshot instead of his parish yearbook photo above the lede. Let us all enjoy his obvious hairplugs and sorrowful, bitter eyes with the greatest of ease.


In a word, yes.

Yeah, I think I mistakenly grouped those latter brands into the "flats" category, but apparently "not mile-high" could have led to less dissension.

I guess I'd balk at the suggestion that high heels are somehow better for your feet than something that's . . . not a high heel. Considering evolution? Considering . . . anything?

Oh god, oh god, I laughed. ::slinks away::