I fucking love it.
I fucking love it.
There is just the tiniest, cutest hint of "bish, please" in her expression that really takes it to the moon!
Her tweet from the day before was that, "I woke up in a safe and happy home." Seems almost . . . I don't know . . . psychopathic, or the message of someone deeply gripped by Stockholm syndrome. Just at odds in a terrifying way.
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.
Betsey Johnson was one of the first designers I loved. I want to be in her world. There's something friendly and inviting about her brand of insanity. Her show was always the one that said, "Come on in, the water's fluorescent pink with black hearts on it!"
Well, the tour guide is hot.
Here's the thing, I know that, and I am NEVER attracted to those types, and for some reason with him, I AM. Those ancient youtubes of him crooning from his mom's basement give him an underdog appeal that makes his relative omnipotence gleam-ier. I also posit that there's something about him that seems . . . I guess…
I will be using that.
Zadie Smith, brilliant woman of color, inks a radical new novel, but it's not covered here because she's not . . . a celebrity?
Doug, I don't care what they say, I heart you.
Okay, just YESTERDAY I was bitching about how the new focus on wearability in haute couture came at the price of creativity, and that it didn't seem to be a problem with a particular designer, but a general movement, but looks like Gaultier's still bringing the cray.
That was an incredible show. I think magic is the price of the new focus on wearability in haute coutoure, though, rather than a loss of Galliano. What we're seeing is the brave new world of fashion and the cost of universal appeal.
Man, based on my limited knowledge of her, I'd say you're wrong. She was a trust-fund baby and successful tax attorney prior to being a lobbyist, which were all prior to her being a stay-at-home mom. My sense of their relationship is that he doesn't make her do a damn thing. I like her. I feel like the moment-…
I LOVE Kumail Nanjiani's Shania Twain reference- that song is a total Willis test fail and subsequently hilarious in a way in 2013 that it wasn't when it was written (my opinion). One small measure of feminist progress is that song becoming irrelevant and funny.
Hi! I just came on here to say to start by taking a multivitamin- they're cheaper than buying vitamin D separate, have some B in them too. And I think the physical act of bringing awareness to taking something for the purpose of taking care of yourself can be a powerful ritual. Be gentle with yourself. And though…
Wish there was a bar for hetero ladies who want to be friends with Chloe Curran.
My panties would have come OFF for that kid in high school.