
The best job in the world lasted a day, maybe a week at best. :'(

Most games are terrified players won't find everything, which means items and other objects are often sparkling in plain view. While a few items are given this royal treatment in Resident Evil, plenty of them aren't. Often, spare healing items and other useful equipment either won't be highlighted or require blindly

The Music app is fine, but it's pretty barebones. Ecoute ($1.99) adds just enough features that it's worth using over the Music app without being overwhelming. It uses gestures to control music quickly, integrates with a variety of social networks, and has advanced shuffle controls. More interesting is its


DIY version:
Procure a projector
Project image onto mural wall
Hand-paint mural

Albeit your new problem would then be finding the correct assortment of acrylic paints to invest in.

Arguably worse than if multiple scenes in Tron were perceived as "real".

Fun Fact: Last week this was a cat café.

Now playing

That reminds me of just crank yanking and telling everyone your name is "Bruce Wayne".

If "Game 4" has Stamper's voice acting in it, I'm buying it Day 1. =]

You're right, I'm terribly sorry.

"Destiny SUCKS!... But God, do I love it!"
- Mass Majority of The Internet

Should've partnered with Roosterteeth and had more impressive motion capture than the in-game models could provide.
"I sits."
"I stand."
"I watch."
Albeit, Paul is the visual center of attention throughout the video.

In hi-def

But... Frieza got wrecked more than once. Why should anyone be excited?

He's a hater, someone who puts an incredible amount of effort into the mere concept of hating.

Diablo's elusive "Cow Level."

How I imagine Steam Support would react to a pre-paid inquiry call:

More Competition means more potential for deals. Although, in my opinion, it's off-putting when Amazon and Steam are selling the same title at different price points, when all Amazon does is dish out a Steam Key to the consumer anyway.