
Undiscussed MissingNo Purpose: Item Duplication Glitch
I explicitly remember that defeating MissingNo was a factor in the Red/Blue item duplication glitch. If you placed "Rare Candy x 1" in the 7th cursor slot of the item array list, defeating MissingNo would cause the item to duplicate into an illegible number. After

Something about this is unfathomably satisfying to watch.

I think I found Waldo.

I agree with you 100%... except that one time when I got stuck in Ash Lake at a very low level and seriously considered restarting the game.

Is it me, or does the color change to the "Wasted" shade of grey in the middle of this gif? It looks like the player cheated death.

Next she'll be trying to Trademark the "Peace" hand gesture.

Of all the cringe-worthy things... *ech*

Still Counts!!


Such engineering! XD

Anyone else here big fans of Syfy's competitive costuming show, "Face Off"?

I was not aware of the right click shortcut. Thanks for the 411!

Lost it at Netflix.

"10 out of 10" "5 out of 5" "5 out of 5".... the one that makes my brow twitch is the "PERIOD". G4TV indeed.

There's a legendary in that ball pit somewhere, but there's also a poop in there somewhere, do you dare hunt through it?

Double violation... almost like double negative?

Female types are typically more vicious within reptilian & insect species, not thunder-horses...

I think a protector case [at or near Otterbox durability] would keep it intact with the plastic outer-shell as reinforcement. This looks like the result of tight pants and poor planning with a little bit of "buyer beware" mixed-in.

These kinds of articles are encouraging, inspiring, and worth reading.