
I just don't want it to phase-out the old system. Gradually, that could happen.

Any news whether or not its required to install their titles? I like their current web application just fine.


Under the sea! ♪
Under the sea! ♪
There'll be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans under the sea! ♪♫♪

Unfortunately, all of my queries relating to Microsoft Exchange were dead-ends. My place of employment is going to be migrating environments soon, and this would have been helpful.

Winning by stalling... didn't this happen in an episode of the anime?

Red Whited Out.


The first time you encounter Carth, you want to care about him. You REALLY DO! He's the character we immediately associate as a "Han Solo" figure.

I had to watch this about 5 times before fully grasping the fact that the second shot is not photoshopped. (See waves).

Here's a related question: When is shark week?

No offense, but does Kinja ever yell at you for posting 8 times in a thread within 10 minutes?


I feel that Nintendo fans are drawn to buy more games after they've seen them for themselves. When the whole monetization axe happened last year, it was almost like Nintendo was actively trying to make the WiiU invisible.

So it's a question of whether or not butterflies have evolved to a level where they ~should~ be avoiding being pinned to a dress... or whoever pinned them all on is a monster.

People... people live there?

Ohhh, won't you take me home tonight! ♪♫♪

I think it's because it was classified as "Weapons Grade"

That's borderline Nintendo DS

If the correspondence between Luckey and Carmack is truthful, that alone is cause for litigation. While an transcript of that entire back-and-forth isn't publicly available (hopefully not on a ZeniMax mail server somewhere), the fact remains that copyrighted materials were used in promotion of the Rift's dev prototype.