Google Playground
Google Playground
This is the first time in a long time that Penny Arcade made me laugh that much. My favorite panel is the third one. “Sir, this is an Arby’s drive-thru...”
It had some postscript on her website, about how Ridley is closer to a pokemon than anything.
I used to play WoW heavily back in BC and WotLK days, but gave up after they kept over tweaking everything and eventually ruining mechanics that I liked. I tried coming back in Cataclysm and Panda land, but it just wasn’t fun. I recently started FFXIV and it’s amazing how refreshing it is playing a game where the…
Apparently, their flavored salts are one of the most popular gifts to bring back to Japan. I was reading a local Japanese newspaper a few years ago and there was a whole blurb about popular gifts to bring back from the US, and their salts were like number 3.
My mom is white, my dad is brown, so my mom would get the weirdest shit said to her when out alone with my brother and me. One time while out shopping, a woman stopped her and asked "What country did you adopt your son from? His skin is the most interesting shade of brown". My mom, not one to mince words, said "I…
Imagine the outrage if instead, it forced you to have sex with a person the same gender as you, when you were playing the game as straight. I don't believe the "it's for the narrative!" excuse would work.
Thank you for this. You've said it better than I could.
How is it ret conning? Was there video or comics or sprays of Soldier being into women before this? Why do you immediately assume he was straight to begin with?
I’m almost 40 years old and I’m in love with the man that I am becoming.
I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Why did you blur everyone’s faces except for the one black kid there?
I saw a picture of Scott today, and you are not wrong with the Silent Men comparison.
You forgot the i in Bearimy. The dot is Tuesdays.
What about the poor Poogie? He’s gotta be at least top 5.
“It was one turret, Torbjorn. What could it cost, 10 dollars?”
“...And that’s why I should be allowed to say the n-word when singing along to rap music.” - Patrick Allan (Probably)
Horizon Zero Dawn actually has a pretty diverse cast of characters. I was impressed.
Its a french donut, right?
Yeah, if they’re assigned quests, people are less likely to join in and help out. When you’re doing optional quests, events, and Investigations, people will jump in super quick. Also, for a lot of Assigned quests, you have to trigger the cutscene before the flare will work.