
You have to shoot your flare as soon as you start the quest. If it’s been past 10 min, people aren’t eager to join for lesser rewards. Depending on the time of day or the monster I’m hunting, I’ll have a full team in a minute, or still end up soloing since no one responds.

“In context, his comments were clearly aimed at attempting to gain compliance by using the passenger’s own statements and reasoning to avoid making an arrest.”

Yeah, I’ve been up against Mercy trains before and it’s hilariously frustrating. I do like the mystery hero meta game of hunting a Symmetra to stop her teleporter/shield generator instead of having to find it and shut it down. Or, if a point has a really annoying turret, shutting it down by killing their Torb and

I love Mystery Heroes because it forces people to use characters they normally wouldn’t. But I hate the RNG for character selection, because my team of 5 healers and a Widow is going to have a hell of a time against 4 Orisa’s and 2 Bastions

Looks like RimWorld

Sty Burell

My very Catholic teacher from High School has this image as her banner on Facebook. I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s from a video game, and not actually religious art.

This is all I can think of when they say Xbox One X

Blood THICKER(?!) water.

Now playing

Walk Off the Earth noticed this back in February...

Gretchen and I are with you.

Baker’s Dozens! (We come in 13's)

When I see the animation quality from the new series, I can’t help but

Plus she said “there were real questions,” not “there are real questions.” So your headline is incorrect and misleading. I’m still undecided between Clinton and Stein, but misinformation articles like these really make me doubt the sincerity of the media being unbiased. Maybe contact her for a comment or an interview?

Trump!Yungoos is just mad because it thinks the Alola region is actually Kenya

I’ve also heard that Blue Dragon was a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger.

To maximize stat growth, its best to use Master Seals after your unit has hit level 20.

I like sayings like this. It means they tried to involve people of multiple backgrounds so the game wasn’t filled with a bunch of stereotypes. If you don’t try and get input from the actual types of people you are depicting, you end up with the “Flamboyant Gay Friend” and “Asian Guy who plays violin and is good at

It is being more inclusive. Atheists and agnostics aren’t religious, and I’m sure both were on the development team. So instead of saying “religious and non-religious beliefs” they just went with “beliefs”.

2-manning Crota pre TTK was possible, my roommate and I did it all the time on normal. Now with the raised level cap, we’ve 3-manned him on Hard with just one sword grab. Pretty sure we can 2-man him easily with Sleeper Simulant.