
im pretty sure "last of us" didnt have to do any of the stuff you just mentioned. I'm fairly, fairly certain that they were voted their by the fans, out of an earnest love of the game.


We're talking about an erotic hentai game, here. It could have amazing gameplay and a great story and characters and the simple fact that it's 18+ would put it right out of the running alone.

I'm neither talking shit nor have I played MGQ3.

Have you even played MGQ3? It's SOOOO much better than MGQ2, it's like night and day!

Yeah, Monster Girl Quest 3 is a series with such awesome pedigree that of course it's going to be able to compete, vote for vote, with the Last of Us. It's also such a highly regarded game that people genuinely feel it's better than every other heavy hitter this year, Bioshock Infinite, GTAV. It's broad appeal is so

I think you are being charitable. I'm more of a cynic and I see these kind of banal, off the point threads pop up whenever there is a POC story.

Look, when the vast majority of posts express the sentiment "I would never (shoot a person who rang my doorbell, open a door if I was afraid, own again, lock my door, live in Detroit, ask for help from a stranger, refuse to help a POC in trouble)" that is not addressing privilege. That is placing BLAME for this

What on earth are you talking about? Are you seriously analogizing the oppression of blacks with a party dominated by middle-class to wealthy white men?

A negative generalization isn't necessarily a false one. And if white people weren't implicitly, and often explicitly, invested in a structure that privileges whiteness then said structure wouldn't continue. What you're doing is hegemonic. You're trying to control how people express the truth of racial

This post is not about venting anger. It is a legitimate criticism of the privilege of color blindness. We are talking about a population who actually countenanced the "Is 'cracker' as bad as the N-word" discussion in the name of free speech and presenting more than one side—rather then viewing it as completely

It was fair. Being part of a dominant group leads to general truths, and it is the job of the individuals in that group first to be the exception, and then work actively to dismantle the dominance itself.

Wow way to redirect focus away from the obvious RACISM in this shooting to make it seem like people being executed on sight is totally a common occurrence for lost white girls asking for help in suburbia. Yeah, no.

This isn't a phenomenon of people being "paranoid". Or being "dbags". Its a phenomenon of people being

Why do White people live in fear and hatred of groups of people that are clearly socially disadvantaged? What do you people have to fear? For all of the organizing and activism we do to create equality for ourselves, we're clearly not winning. Yet you remain so afraid of us that you shoot us for, basically, just

I can already hear the chorus of white people: "We don't know what really happened. No one knows the circumstances. Everything is just speculation. Don't go crying race when you don't know the details!"

But there sure are plenty of rapists out there. Which I also mentioned. But oh, I forgot. My being white totally invalidates any concern I have ever had for my safety at any point in time in my life.

No no, you are very much ignoring the 'racial component' and that it is very different and much more prominent than perhaps a concern for rape or other violence. I don't think it's fair or right to say, 'yes, me too, I am also afraid of my car breaking down somewhere' without considering that as a white woman, you are

Silly girl, it didn't end in the 60s. Racism ended when Obama got elected. Duh.